Miller, A. J., A. J. Gabric, J. R. Moisan, F. Chai, D. J. Neilson, D. W. Pierce, and E. Di Lorenzo,
Global change and oceanic primary productivity:
Effects of ocean-atmosphere-biological
In: Global Climate Change and Response of the Carbon Cycle
in the Equatorial Pacific and Indian Oceans and Adjacent Land Masses,
H. Kawahata and Y. Awaya, eds., Elsevier Oceanography Series,
73, pp. 29-65.
Our current understanding of how climate change due to increasing greenhouse gases
is expected to affect oceanic biology and of how the physical-biological feedbacks
may influence the evolving physical climate system is summarized. The primary
effects of ocean biology on physical climate include its influence on the carbon
cycle, the influence of oceanic phytoplankton on upper-ocean absorption, and
the influence of DMS production by phytoplankton on atmospheric aerosols. The
primary influences of physical climate on the ocean biology are the influence of
aoelian dust deposition and the multitude of ways that community structure can
be altered. The focus is on the tropical and midlatitude Pacific Ocean, with results
from other ocean basins also noted.
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