Auad, G., A. J. Miller, J. O. Roads, D. R. Cayan, 2001:
Pacific Ocean wind stresses and surface heat fluxes from the NCEP
Reanalysis and observations:
Cross-statistics and ocean model responses.
Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 106, 22,249-22,265.
Wind stresses and surface heat fluxes of the Pacific Ocean from
the COADS and NCEP data sets are compared in their statistics
and in the response that they induce in SST
and heat storage when used to force an ocean model.
In general, the stresses and heat fluxes are
better correlated outside the tropics, especially in the northern
hemisphere, which shows higher correlations than the southern one.
The amplitudes of the variations
are similar in midlatitudes but in the tropics NCEP wind stresses are
smaller than COADS.
A frequency domain analysis (periods from 3 months to 10 years)
shows that the geographical areas where COADS and NCEP wind
stresses and heat fluxes agree do not depend on frequency.
Correlations between model and observations of
SST and heat storages are significant in the tropics and in some
extratropical areas, mainly on the eastern side of the basin.
The spatial and temporal sampling rate
of the COADS observations are a controlling factor affecting
these correlations.
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