Art's Personal Photos Pages



Matteo feeding the pigeons on Piazza San Marco in Venice.


ECPC Forecast Assault Squad. We each rented a scooter to drive around Green Island which is mostly natural and undeveloped. Great fun! That's Shyh Chen, John Roads, me and Jack Ritchie.

Rocky cliffs surrounding coral reefs on Green Island.

Rocky cliffs surrounding coral reefs on Green Island.

In a pagoda overlooking the cliffs.

Rocky cliffs surrounding coral reefs on Green Island.

The downtown strip.

Here's the hotel we stayed in.

One of the beautiful Buddhist temples around the area.

San Diego

Kris, Annalisa and Jack in the pool at Matteo's birthday party at Standley Pool.

Matteo with Grandma and me at his birthday party.

Matteo's front teeth were coming out frequently at this time.


We went on our now annual backpack to the San Gorgonio Wilderness with Manu, and Jack and Annalisa.

Annalisa and Maateo around the campsite.

Cooking around the campsite.

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