Art's Personal Photos Pages


Costa Rica

We stayed a coupled of days at a sloth (and other animal) sanctuary on the Carribbean Coast. It was very pleasant and relaxing to sit on the second story balcony (where breakfast was served) and watch the incredibly diverse numbers of birds along the river and in the jungle.

They had one of their rescued sloths, named Buttercup, living on the bird-viewing patio/balcony.

She was extremely friendly, gentle and languid.

Matteo loved the sloth and looked forward every day to holding it. He acted out sloth movements incessantly for the rest of the trip, and cried when we left her behind.

We toured the estuary in front of the lodge in a canoe with a nice guide. He pointed out lots of interesting birds, sloths and caimans.

The guide cut a great bouquet of fresh flowers that would have cost $150 in the U.S. He put them in a vase made of bamboo; we accidently left it in the next place we stayed.

Matteo with a brittle star while snorkling in the park on the Gulf Coast. Lots of monkeys were in the jungle by the beach.

South Carolina

Manu hard at work during the Workshop on El Nino: Past, Present and Future that we attended at a resort on the South Carolina coast. The round of golf also included Chris Charles and Ed Schneider.

San Diego

Manu teaching the kids (Elisa, Matteo and Alexandre) how to excel at Age of Empires during one of our dinner parties.

Matteo acting cool during lunch in Del Mar.

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